Canberra Memories

Dear Paul, Dawn & All our Canberra Musicians and Friends,

As you all know, memories of our great days on SS Canberra never dies as we never stop talking of those fun cruises with all the lovely entertainment, food and fun we enjoyed.

For the past four months we have had major building works carried out to include a new extension which now is my music room and in reconfiguring/moving all my equipment, I opened a large trunk which had unlimited postings of Canberra Today besides all the lovely menus, excursion information and much more to include the cruise log. The reason for the mega collection was whilst on every cruise 'Black Velvet' dance band played, I would ask our cabin steward to save all the daily Canberra Today news papers and all the daily menus which was faithfully done (of course we looked after our cabin stewards very well), and as such I now have a few thousand, and if I sold each one for £1, I would be a rich man. Only joking.

We were certainly privileged to enjoy the very best of cruising on P&O's super cruise liners and in time I will release unlimited video clips featuring all the entertainment on board, all the various cabaret artists and every house band, orchestra, guest bands and various musicians.

As you know my exciting life was based with my great fulltime employment working for Reuters and was fortunate to spend all my yearly holidays entertaining on the Canberra and Oriana which I greatly enjoyed, as such also have a great collection of all Reuters World monthly magazines.

Just for a laugh, I am sharing some of the menus and Canberra news cuttings added below for a quick view but again in time will have the entire collection for others to view well presented. The menus are superb, all quality pictures and all printed daily on the Canberra. This is a collectors collection just like my stamp collection and photo collections.

I have a video clip which I will add below just for a laugh.

Best regards to one and all.

Until we meet on the next Canberra Reunion.


Benny's New Studio

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